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Kawaii Cat Tarot

22 Major Arcana Guide

The Tower

The Tower Upright Meaning

The Tower is a tarot card that symbolizes destruction and transformation. It is one of the most powerful cards and is often interpreted as a warning of unforeseen events that can trigger a drastic and inevitable change in our lives. This card suggests that something important is about to change, and although it may be painful and destabilizing at the moment, it will eventually lead to a positive transformation.

Work: When The Tower appears in a career-related reading, it may indicate that significant changes may occur in our career. These changes can be unexpected and may cause a sense of chaos and disorder, but in the long run, they can lead to opportunities and professional growth. The Tower may also indicate that we may need to leave a career or job that no longer serves us to move forward to something better.

Health: When The Tower appears in a health-related reading, it may indicate that significant changes may occur in our physical or mental health. These changes can be unpredictable and even traumatic, but they can also lead to greater understanding and healing. The Tower may also indicate that it is important for us to take care of ourselves and pay attention to any warning signs our body may be giving us.

Finances: When The Tower appears in a finance-related reading, it may indicate that significant changes may occur in our financial situation. These changes can be unexpected and may cause a sense of instability, but in the long run, they can lead to greater financial security. The Tower may also indicate that it is important for us to review our finances and eliminate any patterns or habits that are no longer serving us.

Love: When The Tower appears in a love-related reading, it may indicate that significant changes may occur in our current relationship. These changes can be unexpected and may cause a sense of uncertainty and destabilization, but in the long run, they can lead to a more authentic and satisfying relationship. The Tower may also indicate that it is important for us to be honest and authentic in our relationships and eliminate any patterns or habits that are no longer serving us.

Spirituality: When The Tower appears in a spirituality-related reading, it may indicate that significant changes may occur in our spiritual life. These changes can be unexpected and may cause a sense of confusion and disorientation, but in the long run, they can lead to greater spiritual connection and understanding. The Tower may also indicate that it is important for us to be open to the possibility of spiritual transformation and be willing to let go of any beliefs or practices that no longer serve us.

The Tower Reversed

The Tower Reversed Meaning

When The Tower appears in a reversed position, it may signify that the person is resisting the necessary changes for their transformation. They may be holding onto situations, people, or behaviors that no longer serve them and prevent them from moving forward on their path. The reversed card can also indicate that the person is avoiding or suppressing feelings that they need to confront in order to progress in their life. Instead of making necessary decisions for their growth, they may be holding onto situations or people that make them feel safe or comfortable.

Work: When The Tower appears in a reversed position in a career reading, it may indicate that the person is in a difficult or uncomfortable work situation but is not taking action to change it. They may be resistant to leaving a job that they no longer enjoy or that makes them feel unsatisfied, due to fear of the changes that this could entail. The reversed card can also indicate that the person is avoiding taking steps to improve their career situation, such as seeking a new job or taking training courses.

Health: When The Tower appears in a reversed position in a health reading, it may indicate that the person is resisting making changes to their lifestyle to improve their health. They may be avoiding exercise, eating a healthy diet, or quitting bad habits such as smoking or excessive drinking. The reversed card can also indicate that the person is suppressing feelings or emotions that are negatively affecting their health.

Finances: When The Tower appears in a reversed position in a finance reading, it may indicate that the person is resisting taking necessary steps to improve their financial situation. They may be avoiding making a budget, seeking a new job, or finding ways to reduce expenses. The reversed card can also indicate that the person is holding onto financial patterns or behaviors that no longer serve them. They may be spending impulsively or taking unnecessary risks with their money, instead of taking steps to save or invest more responsibly.

Love: When The Tower appears in a reversed position in a love reading, it may indicate that the person is resisting leaving a relationship that no longer serves them. They may be holding onto a toxic or unsatisfactory relationship due to fear of being alone or the changes that this could entail. The reversed card can also indicate that the person is avoiding talking to their partner about problems or concerns that may be arising, leading to poor communication and a more tense relationship.

Spirituality: When The Tower appears in a reversed position in a spirituality reading, it may indicate that the person is resisting making necessary changes for their spiritual growth. They may be holding onto beliefs or practices that no longer serve them and prevent them from progressing on their spiritual path. The reversed card can also indicate that the person is suppressing feelings or emotions that they need to confront for their spiritual growth.

© 2023 Kawaii Cat Tarot
Created by Kawaii Lab Games