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Kawaii Cat Tarot

22 Major Arcana Guide

The Moon

The Moon Upright Meaning

The Moon tarot card is one of the most mysterious and symbolic cards in the deck. Its presence in a reading may suggest that the querent is in a moment of confusion and ambiguity in their life. It could be that the querent is experiencing a moment of uncertainty, insecurity, or even fear of the unknown. This card may invite exploration of the shadow and repressed emotions.

Work: In a career-related reading, The Moon card may suggest that the querent is in a moment of uncertainty or lack of clarity regarding their career goals. There may be some tensions or conflicts that generate ambiguity and difficulties in making decisions. This card can invite you to listen to your intuition to find the right path.

Health: In a health-related reading, The Moon card may suggest that the querent is experiencing emotional or psychological problems that may be affecting their physical well-being. There may be a tendency to evade or avoid confronting health problems directly. It is important to pay attention to the body's signals and seek professional help if necessary.

Finances: In a finance-related reading, The Moon card may suggest that there is a certain lack of clarity or information regarding financial decisions that need to be made. The querent may be experiencing money problems that are generating uncertainty and anxiety. This card can invite reflection on financial decisions and seeking professional help if necessary.

Love: In a love-related reading, The Moon card may suggest that the querent is experiencing some confusion or ambiguity in their feelings towards another person. There may be a fear of expressing true feelings or facing the truth about the relationship. This card can invite you to trust your instincts and be honest with yourself and others.

Spirituality: In a spirituality-related reading, The Moon card may suggest that the querent is in a moment of exploration and discovery of their inner world. There may be a desire to understand the deeper emotions, fears, and motivations that guide their life. This card can invite exploration of the shadow and seeking truth within oneself.

The Moon Reversed

The Moon Reversed Meaning

When the tarot card of The Moon appears in an inverted position, it indicates that the querent is experiencing uncertainty, confusion, and a lack of clarity in their life. They may be dealing with feelings of fear and anxiety and need to find a way to overcome these obstacles to move forward.

Work: In the workplace, the inverted Moon card may indicate that the querent is experiencing problems with their job. There may be a lack of clarity regarding tasks and responsibilities, leading to indecision and insecurity. It may also indicate the possibility of gossip and rumors in the workplace, which can be detrimental to the work environment.

Health: Regarding health, the inverted Moon card may indicate that the querent is dealing with emotional problems that are affecting their physical well-being. There may be anxiety and stress affecting their nervous system, leading to problems with insomnia and other sleep disorders. It may also indicate the need to pay attention to mental health and seek help if necessary.

Finances: In the financial realm, the inverted Moon card suggests that the querent is experiencing uncertainty and confusion regarding their financial situation. There may be problems with investments or payments, leading to insecurity and a lack of confidence in their ability to manage their finances. It may also indicate the need to be cautious about financial risks.

Love: In the realm of love, the inverted Moon card suggests that the querent is experiencing doubts and confusion in their relationship or in their search for love. There may be communication problems and a lack of trust, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. It may also indicate the need to be honest with oneself about what they really want in a relationship.

Spirituality: In the spiritual realm, the inverted Moon card suggests that the querent may be experiencing a period of darkness and confusion on their spiritual path. There may be doubts and questions about their faith and beliefs, leading to insecurity and a lack of clarity. It may also indicate the need to seek help from spiritual guides or support communities.

© 2023 Kawaii Cat Tarot
Created by Kawaii Lab Games