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Kawaii Cat Tarot

22 Major Arcana Guide

The Lovers

The Lovers Upright Meaning

The tarot card "The Lovers" is one of the most well-known in the deck and is generally associated with love and relationships. However, its meaning goes beyond that. "The Lovers" represent making important decisions. This card indicates that a crucial choice must be made that will have a significant impact on the person's life. The choice is not easy, and there may be a feeling of internal conflict about which direction to take. However, the choice made will have significant implications for the future.

Work: In the workplace, the card of "The Lovers" can indicate a difficult choice regarding the professional path to take. The person may be considering two equally attractive options, or on the contrary, there may be internal conflict about whether to follow a safe path or venture into something riskier. In general, the card indicates that a decision must be made regarding the career and must be made carefully.

Health: When it comes to health, "The Lovers" may indicate the need to make important decisions regarding personal care. The person may be considering different treatment options or, on the contrary, may be at a point in life where important choices regarding personal care are required. In general, the card indicates that responsible and well-considered decisions must be made regarding health.

Finances: In finances, "The Lovers" can indicate a choice in how to manage money. The person may be considering two equally attractive options, or there may be internal conflict about whether to take a financial risk or be more conservative. In general, the card indicates that careful and well-considered financial decisions must be made to achieve financial stability.

Love: Regarding love, "The Lovers" can indicate a choice regarding a relationship. The person may be considering two equally attractive options, or there may be internal conflict about whether to move forward with a relationship or end it. In general, the card indicates that conscious decisions must be made in love, considering all aspects of the situation and its implications.

Spirituality: Regarding spirituality, "The Lovers" can indicate a choice in how to follow one's spiritual path. The person may be considering different options regarding their faith or spiritual practice, or may be at a point where important choices regarding their spiritual growth need to be made. In general, the card indicates that a conscious and well-considered decision should be made regarding the spiritual path one wishes to follow.


The Lovers Reversed

The Lovers Reversed Meaning

When the inverted "The Lovers" card appears, it can indicate a lack of harmony and balance in your life. There may be a conflict between your heart and your head, or an internal struggle to make important decisions. You may feel trapped or without options, and there is a need to find balance in your life in order to move forward.

Work: In the workplace, the inverted "The Lovers” card suggests conflicts with coworkers or superiors. There may be a power struggle or a lack of harmony in the work environment. There may also be difficulties in making decisions at work, which can lead to delays or errors in job performance.

Health: When the inverted "The Lovers" card appears in a health-related reading, it can indicate a disconnection between the mind and body. Health problems may arise due to emotional and spiritual disharmony. There may also be a tendency to ignore the body's signals and not take preventive health measures.

Finances: In the financial realm, the inverted "The Lovers" card can indicate money problems due to a poor choice or a lack of clarity in financial decision-making. There may be conflicts with partners or significant others related to money. It can also indicate a tendency to take unnecessary risks or spend too much money on superficial things.

Love: In matters of the heart, the inverted "The Lovers" card suggests relationship problems and conflict with your partner. There may be a lack of harmony and communication in the relationship, which can lead to an imbalance in love. It may also indicate a tendency to make hasty decisions in love, or to feel trapped in an unhealthy relationship.

Spirituality: In spirituality, the inverted "The Lovers" card suggests a disconnection between the body and the soul. There may be an internal struggle to find true spiritual connection, and a tendency to ignore intuition and spiritual guidance. It can also indicate a lack of harmony between the different parts of your being, which can lead to feeling lost or disoriented.

© 2023 Kawaii Cat Tarot
Created by Kawaii Lab Games