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Kawaii Cat Tarot

22 Major Arcana Guide


Death Upright Meaning

The tarot card "Death" is one of the most feared and misunderstood cards in the tarot. It is often associated with physical death, but in reality, it is a card that symbolizes change and transformation. In the upright position, this card can be a signal that significant changes are coming, but in the end, they will result in personal growth and evolution. The "Death" card can also be a call to let go of something that no longer serves, so that there is room for something new and better.

Work: In the realm of work, the "Death" card can indicate a change of job, restructuring, or cessation of activity in the company. This change may be surprising and may require a period of adjustment, but it is important to remember that the change can ultimately be for the better. This card may also suggest a transition to a new career or field of work.

Health: Regarding health, the "Death" card may suggest healing and recovery from illness or injury. It can also indicate the end of a bad habit or addiction, allowing for a new opportunity for a healthier life. However, it is important to pay attention to any changes in the body and seek medical assistance if necessary.

Finances: In financial terms, the "Death" card may suggest a loss of income or a fall in investment. However, it can also indicate the end of a debt or the release of a financial burden. Ultimately, this card is a sign that significant changes are coming in the financial realm, and that it may be necessary to adjust the budget and personal finances to adapt to these changes.

Love: In love, the "Death" card may suggest the end of a relationship or a significant change in the dynamics of the current relationship. This change may be difficult in the present moment, but it is important to remember that it can lead to a healthier and more satisfying relationship in the future. If you are single, this card may be a sign that it is time to let go of the past and seek a new relationship.

Spirituality: Regarding spirituality, the "Death" card suggests spiritual transformation and rebirth. It can be a time to let go of old beliefs and practices and embrace a new way of understanding and experiencing life. This card can also be a sign to explore new spiritual practices and seek guidance in communities or spiritual leaders.

Death Reversed

Death Reversed Meaning

When the Death card appears reversed, its overall meaning changes to some extent. Instead of representing transformation and positive change, the inverted Death card may indicate resistance to change, stagnation, and fear of the end of something. There may be stagnation in your life, and you may feel like you can't move forward or make changes. Resistance to change may be preventing you from progressing, and it may be necessary to accept the impending transformation to move forward.

Work: When the Death card appears reversed in a tarot reading about work, it may indicate that you are having difficulty advancing in your career or finding new opportunities. You may feel trapped in your current job and unable to move forward. The card may also indicate conflicts in the workplace or unpleasant changes that affect your career.

Health: In a tarot reading about health, the reversed Death card may indicate stagnation in your recovery or healing process. You may feel trapped in your illness or afraid to accept necessary changes in your lifestyle to improve your health. It's important to remember that change is necessary for healing, and that resistance to change will only prolong the process.

Finances: When the Death card appears reversed in a tarot reading about finances, it may indicate financial difficulties and a lack of progress in your financial situation. You may feel trapped in your current situation and unable to move forward. Resistance to change may be preventing you from finding new financial opportunities. It's important to remember that change may be necessary to improve your financial situation.

Love: In a tarot reading about love, the reversed Death card may indicate resistance to change in your relationship or love life. You may feel trapped in a relationship that no longer serves you, or afraid to let go of someone who is not right for you. It's important to remember that change may be necessary to find happiness, and that resistance to change will only prolong unhappiness.

Spirituality: In a tarot reading about spirituality, the reversed Death card may indicate stagnation on your spiritual path or fear of change in your spiritual life. You may feel like you can't move forward on your spiritual path, or afraid to let go of certain beliefs that no longer serve you. It's important to remember that change is necessary for growth and advancement on your spiritual path. Resistance to change will only keep you stagnant.

© 2023 Kawaii Cat Tarot
Created by Kawaii Lab Games